Gallalaus: An Expedition into Full Stack Development - System design

Embark on the next leg of our Full Stack Development expedition with this fourth post in the Gallalaus series! In this chapter, I'll discuss the importance of system design, how to identify the main components, and how to work toward a successful MVP release

What is System Design? Why is it important?

System design is the process where the architecture, modules, the components that compose those modules, as well as the interfaces that describe the components and the data models of the system, are defined based on a clear set of requirements. This process is really important at the beginning of the project, in order to understand clearly what and how it needs to be developed, iron out the status quo, and especially better define the priority in which the tasks should be developed. In a nutshell, this can be expressed like this: System Design is the art of creating a blueprint that satisfies the requirements and needs of users and stakeholders.

How to Identify Key Components?

As we know by now, the system design process is based on a clear set of requirements. Let's write down some requirements for what a bug tracker system should contain. Then we can analyze them and iron out the main components of the system, and draw the picture of how the communication layer should be and what our data model should look like.


  • Users can create a task/bug only attached to a list and part of a board.

  • Users can log in based on username/password or via an SSO mechanism.

  • Tasks/bugs can have the following properties:

    • Title

    • Description

    • Assignee

    • Author

    • Labels

    • Status

    • Priority

    • Created date

    • Updated date

    • Updated by (who updated the task details?)

    • Attachments

  • Users who can see the task can place comments on it.

  • Users who can see the task should be able to sign up for notifications regarding the task.

  • Lists can't be deleted if there are tasks.

  • Boards containing non-empty lists can't be deleted.

  • Users should be able to select multiple tasks in a list and delete/move them.

  • There should be at least 3 levels of user roles, system-defined:

    • Admin

    • Normal

    • Guest

  • Users should not have to refresh the page to get updates of boards/lists/tickets.

  • The system should always notify the creator and assignee via email if a ticket was updated.

Now that we have a good set of requirements, we can start clustering them into two main categories, with the mindset for MVP:

  • MVP Status Quo

    • Users can create tasks/bugs only attached to a list and part of a board.

    • Users can log in based on username/password.

    • Everyone can see everything and comment.

    • Lists can't be deleted if there are tasks.

    • Boards containing non-empty lists can't be deleted.

    • Should have 2 levels of user roles, system-defined:

      • Admin

      • Normal

  • Nice to Have

    • Users can log in via an SSO mechanism.

    • Users who can see the task can place comments on it and get notified (add view permission).

    • Users should be able to select multiple tasks in a list and delete/move them.

    • Guest user role.

    • Users should not have to refresh the page to get updates of boards/lists/tickets.

    • Email notification of the creator and assignee of a ticket.

Clustering the requirements into such lists offers us the possibility to be more focused on what should be included in the MVP and keep an eye on the future extensibility of the system. In the context of an MVP, the "Nice to Have" list contains features that are not crucial during the testing phase of the product.

We can now move on to the next section, where we can see how we take the status quo cluster and translate it into our main components of the system.

System Architecture Overview

Now that we have found our status quo list of requirements let's look at our components in the following UML component diagram.

As we can notice in the diagram, we have three main component clusters, which can be named as preferred in the end; the names themselves don't matter at this stage. These modules contain our main key components derived from the status quo requirements list.

User Management Module

Within the User Management module, we have defined both 'Accounts' and 'Profile' components. Although there are no specific requirements listed for them, from a system perspective, these are two important components/features. 'Accounts' will enable us to manage user objects more effectively, while 'Profiles' will empower platform users to configure their specific platform settings. As both components are derived from the component specifications and are not part of the status quo, we can safely consider them as 'nice to have' for the MVP.

Task/Bug Management Module

This module contains the key components, that we found in the status quo list. To simplify and allow for the extensibility of the system, comments are treated as a standalone component and are not part of the task.

System Module

As part of the System module, we have found a number of components. For now part of the status quo we will only have:

Load Balancer

The load balancer component will be more of a reverse proxy for the moment.


The permissions component will only help make a differentiation between admin and normal users for now.


For the MVP we will make use of mognoDB.


For caching, we will use Redis cache. For MVP purposes we will only store users session credentials, so we can keep them logged in even if we restart the server.


For monitoring the logging, we will store all application logs in a specific log file.

Other 'Nice to Have' Components

The rest of the System module components can be moved into the 'nice to have' list. Furthermore, we can add also the components that will be partially implemented during MVP in the same list.

Frontend-backend communication

For now, as we are focusing only on delivering the MVP first, the communication layer between frontend(FE) and backend(BE) services will be pure HTTP, based on the REST API provided by the backend services.

Here is an example of the ticket creation sequence diagram, to exemplify the communication layer between FE-BE.

As we can see in the above UML sequence diagram, the communication layer, for the MVP is quite simple. Let's not forget that the MVP's purpose is to release fast, with a clear status quo list, and provide usability to the users. A nice exercise is to create by your own the rest of the sequence diagrams, in order to get the exercise going, and make this a routine.

Database Design

For the MVP, our database design will be intentionally simple. As mentioned in the System Architecture Overview section, we'll be using MongoDB. It's worth noting that despite the data having some relational aspects, we've chosen MongoDB for its flexibility. During MVP development, this flexibility allows us to add missing fields on the fly and work with potentially inconsistent data. While inconsistent data is generally not ideal, it's acceptable for the MVP phase. It's important to remember that after completing the MVP and moving towards v1, we may consider changing the database technology entirely.

Based on the requirements list, we can see how the Tasks collection is structured. The other collections schemas, we could take from the fucntional requirements of the status quo list. From the db diagram, we can see that the relationships between the collection is mainly many to 1, where we have:

  • Many tasks to 1 user

  • Many tasks to 1 list

  • Many tasks to 1 status

  • Many tasks to 1 priority

  • Many lists to 1 user

  • Many lists to 1 board

  • Many boards to 1 user

Some remarks though for the Tasks collection, is that the author and assignee, both relate to the users collection, because 1 user could create the ticket/bug, but another one could work on it. The Users.roles will be a enum list, maintained in the code for the moment, as there would be not so much work on the permission side.

OpenAPI Specifications

What is OpenAPI?

The OpenAPI Specification is a specification language for HTTP APIs that provides a standardized means to define your API to others. You can quickly discover how an API works, configure infrastructure, generate client code, and create test cases for your APIs. For more details, you can find information here.

Why I Choose OpenAPI

I prefer using OpenAPI specifications because of its straightforward integration with NestJS. For our backend, I propose using this API specification for the tasks module.

openapi: 3.0.0
      operationId: TasksController_create
      parameters: []
        required: true
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateTaskDto'
          description: ''
        - tasks
      operationId: TasksController_findAll
        - name: size
          required: false
          in: query
            maximum: 1000
            type: number
        - name: page
          required: false
          in: query
            type: number
          description: ''
        - tasks
      operationId: TasksController_findOne
        - name: id
          required: true
          in: path
            type: string
          description: ''
        - tasks
      operationId: TasksController_update
        - name: id
          required: true
          in: path
            type: string
        required: true
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateTaskDto'
          description: ''
        - tasks
      operationId: TasksController_remove
        - name: id
          required: true
          in: path
            type: string
          description: ''
        - tasks
  title: gallalaus API
  description: The API specification for the gallalaus with address  undefined
  version: 0.0.1
  contact: {}
tags: []
servers: []
      type: object
          type: string
          type: string
          type: array
            type: string
        - title
      type: object
          type: string
          type: string
          type: array
            type: string

This specification is basic, without the usage of any authentication mechanism for now. To make it better and future-proof, I propose adding the following functionalities to it:

  • JWT token authentication

  • Adding the 'assignee' and 'author' to the schemas

  • Adding definitions and schemas for the other modules/components.

Let's take a look at the additional endpoints we need:

Users Module:

  • POST /register

  • POST /login

  • POST /logout

  • POST/PATCH /profile

  • GET /profile/{user-objectId}

  • GET /profile

Boards Module:

  • POST/PATCH /boards

  • GET /boards/{boards-id}

  • GET /boards

TasksList Module:

  • POST/PATCH /tasks-list

  • GET /tasks-list/{tasks-list-id}

  • GET /tasks-list

For each of these module endpoints, we already have schemas. They are partially defined based on the database collection definitions. I'll leave it to you to define these in the OpenAPI specification as an exercise.

For error handling, I propose the following HTTP status codes:

  • 400 - Bad Request

  • 401 - Not Authorized

  • 403 - Forbidden (not implemented at the moment; requires permissions to be implemented)

  • 409 - Conflict

For API authentication, we will use JWT tokens. While JWT tokens will serve for authorization in the MVP, we will explore the authorization part and who will take care of it after completing the MVP.

As progress with the MVP development, I will post on each stage the current open API specification yaml file.

I would like to mention again, that the tool used for creating the diagrams is called plantUML. You can find more about this in the first article of the series or on Google. Don't be afraid to google it yourself.

As we conclude this stage of our journey, we're one step closer to mastering Full Stack Development. Stay tuned for more insights and discoveries in the next chapter.